Sarah Palin’s Secret

All right, everybody, here’s the truth:

Sarah Palin resigned her post as governor of Alaska because she was being blackmailed by the spouse of her Argentinian lover, a high price prostitute with pop idol ambitions, whom she’d been meeting at a Hilton, where they smoked crack.  The two met when Palin tapped her foot in a restroom stall.  Palin plans to leave her family to marry this gay lover, to whom she gave a high-paying, sensitive job.  Palin even took pictures of herself with the girl, a model half her age, on board her yacht, the Monkey Business.  All this, after she somberly declared on national television that she “did not have sexual relations with that woman.” 

Or maybe I’m just confusing her with someone else.

5 comments on “Sarah Palin’s Secret

  1. I also forgot to mention that Palin will not be running off with this mistress after all since Palin just drove her car off the road into the river by Chappaquiddick Island, and the young mistress drowned. Palin didn’t even bother to call the police until the next day! Clearly, her political career is over.

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