I Love Weenies

Lately I’ve seen in the news that several schools around the country are banning those rubber bracelets that say “I love boobies.”  They’re meant to raise awareness of breast cancer and raise funds for research.  Opponents say that the wording of the catch phrase is crude and sexual; supporters say that it’s cute and helps promote a serious issue. 

I can see the argument for the supporters very clearly; these bracelets are popular among everybody–men and women, boys and girls.  However, I do have to wonder if there’s something of a sexual double standard involved here.

After all, if everyone wearing these bracelets deeply cares about breast health and cancer research, then, presumably, they would be just as concerned about the equivalent epidemic among men–prostate cancer.  And if so, would everyone wearing an “I love boobies” bracelet be willing to also wear, on the other wrist, a bracelet that says, “I love weenies?”  And if not, why not?

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