Annotations to Saturday AM session, April 2016 General Conference

These aren’t just traditional notes, in the sense of summaries and highlights. Rather, these are mostly connections, commentary, footnotes, and such. #LDSConf


President Henry B. Eyring

Elder Oaks also based a talk on the parable of the sower in last April’s General Conference.

“Choose to have our hearts softened and seeds nourished” by this weekend’s conference.

This is handy how-to of getting the most out of conference.

He choked up a bit as he started, and then periodically throughout. When President Eyring speaks, he means it. You just have to love this guy!



Mary R. Durham (Primary 2nd)

“Kick off the weight of this world that we carry, so we can keep our children afloat.”

Quotes Elder Bednar on Holy Ghost. I wonder how leaders in the meeting feel when other speakers suddenly quote them.

“Increase the spiritual capacity of our little ones.”

learning the spirit by a life of immersion, like learning a language the same way–clever analogy, rings true.

Quotes Elder Scott, and I’m reminded again of how we recently lost him.

Donald L. Hallstrom (Pres 70)

Classic conference pedagogy here: review a foundation of basic doctrine, then build on that to establish counsel for issues today. In this case, eternal spiritual family unit –> perspective –> steady strength in daily trials.

“There may be some innocent and redeeming value to Halloween.” Ha! Nice.

Great Holland quote, then a story about civil war in Liberia. I’m always impressed by the wealth of literacy, research, and wide-ranging life experience evident in an average conference talk.

Downright passionate recital of “How Firm a Foundation.” Love the aggressive focus of the narration.

The Church in Liberia


Gary E. Stevenson (12)

One of the more detailed “key” metaphors I’ve heard.

Legitimately beautiful photos and paintings shown here of church history sites–check them out.

Missionary prep, temple attendance, and “go forward with faith” as goals for youth to take advantage of blessings of keys.


Kevin R. Duncan (70)

“Forgive and be free.”

“See into the heart and soul of people who have offended us.” Amazing and beautiful, right? This one needs to become a meme. Pinterest moms, get on it. 

And this is one of the more intensive, comprehensive talks I’ve heard on forgiving others. Great stuff.

Holy cow, this is some serious preaching about tolerance. Great message for an election season. Alas, how many of us will just say, “This is great advice for the other side.” *sigh*

Atonement helps us forgive. Now this talk is getting doctrinally powerful. We might already have a contender for one of this conference’s top three talks!


Steven E. Snow (70)

Hymns and humility. I like it when speakers hold up old books as a visual aid.

“Strive” to become more humble.

Notice how often General Authorities tell stories about the sufferings and hardships in their own family’s lives. 1) Nobody gets a free pass here. 2) Their faith and beliefs do not exist in some comfortable vacuum. 3) Their honesty now and fortitude before truly are examples.

“What if we could be humble before we walk through that valley of humility?” Meme potential here, too.

Indeed, President Kimball’s favorite song was “I Need Thee Every Hour.” (See the notes on this video on YouTube.)


Dale G. Renlund (12)

Nice segue from a socio-political intro to a message turning the spotlight back on each of us as disciples needing both grace and gratitude.

“petulantly assumed” is a great phrase–so is “disgruntled entitlement.”

“life would be the most unfair for Jesus Christ.” This talk is going to be a glorious quote machine!

Just like Elder Duncan’s talk, I need to study this talk and force myself to remember that every line is directed squarely at me, not at you.

“stop causing God grief.” I’m going to stop looking for breakout quotes here–there are too many.

This is the second speaker in this session to tell a personal story about church meetings in Africa.

“I’m grateful that life isn’t fair….we will all receive more than we deserve.” Sorry, can’t help it.

Reference to the “enabling power” of the Atonement harkens back to this classic from Elder Bednar.


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