Serendipity Strikes

I’ve been in the mood for some foreign film lately, so I decided that today I would watch a couple.  I picked the Vietnamese film, The Vertical Ray of the Sun (2000), and the American-made but French-language film, The Diving Bell and the Butterfly (2007).

Strangely, both movies featured the same American rock song: 1969’s “Pale Blue Eyes,” by the Velvet Underground.

What are the odds of that?  That two non-English movies would use the same old American song in their soundtrack?  That I would pick both of those movies to watch?  That I would watch both of those movies on the same day?  That I would be familiar with the song and recognize it in both films?

And yet, here we are.

Below is the opening scene of Vertical Ray.  YouTube doesn’t have a clip for the Diving Bell scene–that one was just instrumental anyway.  Then here it is with lyrics.